TASK 1: Study the vocabulary. Use the link http://uchisdarom.com.ua/ua/eng to listen to the phrases.
TASK 3: Write the time in words.
TASK 2: Study the vocabulary. Use the link http://uchisdarom.com.ua/ua/eng to listen to the phrases.
TASK 3: Write the time in words.
TASK 4: Write the dates in words.
TASK 5: Study the vocabulary. Write the translation of words (or * their definition in English).
TASK 8: Study different samples of the menu. Write down the names of the menu sections, popular dishes and drinks. Learn new words by heart.
TASK 9: Learn new grammar rules.
TASK 10: Learn the following phrases to describe dishes on the menu.
TASK 11: Describe any 5 dishes as in the example.
For example:
TASK 5: Study the vocabulary. Write the translation of words (or * their definition in English).
A banquet chair
A bar counter
A bar stool
A booth \ a bench
A candle
A candlestick
A carpet
A chair
A high chair
A lamp
A mural (a wall art)
A picture
A serving cart (trolley)
A table
A typography
A waitress station
Indoor plants
TASK 6:Translate
the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to prepositions of place. Make up
your own sentences with these prepositions.
1) There
are 20 tables in the dining room.
2) The
chef is in the kitchen.
3) The
bill is in the box.
4) The
vase is on the table.
5) He
is standing at the waitress table.
6) Hang
that picture above the sofa.
7) The
bag is under the table.
8) She
lives near the restaurant.
9) There
is a cafe next to the hotel.
10) The
pub is between Elm Street and Maple
11) I
found my notebook lying among the
menu cards.
12) The
dance floor is in the middle of the
dining room.
13) The
table for two is over there, in the
corner of the dining room.
14) There
are 4 people at the bar counter.
15) Clean
glasses are over the bar counter.
16) A
mural is behind you.
17) The
kitchen is in front of you.
18) There
are a lot of indoor plants on the
19) Their
order is in the serving cart.
20) There
are five people in the booth.
TASK 7:Find the Ukrainian equivalents. The picture below will help you.
a tablecloth - скатертина
a table runner - столова
a place mat - сервірувальний килимок
a centerpiece - декор по
центру стола
a napkin -
a salad fork - …
a fish fork -
a dinner fork -
a service plate / a dinner plate -
a salad plate -
a soup bowl -
a dinner knife -
a tea spoon -
a soup spoon -
a salad knife -
a bread and butter plate -
a butter knife -
a dessert knife -
a dessert spoon -
a cake fork -
a water goblet -
a red wine glass -
a white wine glass -
a tea/ coffee saucer -
a tea/ coffee cup -
a guest card -
TASK 8: Study different samples of the menu. Write down the names of the menu sections, popular dishes and drinks. Learn new words by heart.
(Ознайомитися із зразками меню англійською мовою,
виписати назви основних розділів в меню, популярні страви і напої, вивчити
нову лексику)
TASK 9: Learn new grammar rules.
Вживається перед обчислюваними (можна порахувати 1, 2, 3… штуки\особи)
іменниками в множині: I have many friends. – У мене багато друзів.
Вживається перед необчислюваними (не можна порахувати поштучно) іменниками:
There is much sugar in this cup. – В цій чашці багато цукру.
Вживається перед обчислюваними іменниками в множині: She has got few friends. – У неї мало друзів.
Вживається перед необчислюваними іменниками:
We have very little time. – У нас
дуже мало часу.
a few
[ә `fju:]
Вживається перед обчислюваними іменниками в множині: She has got a few friends. – У неї кілька друзів.
a little
[ә `litl]
Вживається перед необчислюваними іменниками:
We have a little time. – У нас є трохи часу.
Much, many (використовуються переважно в
заперечних і питальних реченнях)
= a lot of…, lots of…, plenty of… (те саме значення, не важливо з
якими іменникимами, використовуються в стверджувальних реченнях)
How much? – Скільки? (Якщо не можна порахувати
How many? - Скільки? (Якщо можна порахувати поштучно)
How much (is it)? – Скільки це коштує? (Одна річ, одна страва…)
TASK 10: Learn the following phrases to describe dishes on the menu.
(The name of the dish) is a dish consisting of (ingredients)… , …, … -
“_(Назва страви)_” – це страва, яка складається з (інгредієнти)…, …, …
This dish includes
such ingredients as … -
Ця страва включає в себе такі інгредієнти, як…
is prepared in … . –
Вона готується в …
is served with … . –
Вона подається з …
is used as a seasoning. -
… використовують в якості приправи.
TASK 11: Describe any 5 dishes as in the example.
For example:
“Feijkoada” is a thick stew with pork
and beef. It is prepared in a clay pot.
This dish is served with rice.
chicken” is a dish consisting of broiler chicken pieces. The pieces are battered and then pan-fried. It
can be served with mashed potatoes, gravy or macaroni and cheese.
TASK 12: Learn new grammar rules.
( https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-nutrition/s18-07-diets-around-the-world.html)
TASK 12: Learn new grammar rules.
Indefinite Pronouns (Неозначені займенники)
1. Неозначені займенники
поділяються на прості і складні. Простими неозначеними займенниками є: all, each,
some, any, another, other, much, many, little, few, both, one.
2. Складні неозначені займенники утворюються
від простих займенників some, any, no, every додаванням до них -body, -one,
-thing (somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, someone, anyone, everyone,
something, anything, nothing, everything).
3. Some і похідні від нього
з'айменники вживаються у стверджувальних реченнях, any і його похідні вживаються у
питальних і заперечних реченнях.
some — якийсь, дехто
somebody / someone — хтось
something — щось
somewhere — десь, кудись
any — який-небудь, якийсь
anybody / anyone — хтось, хто-небудь
anything — щось
anywhere — де-небудь, куди-небудь
no — ніякий
nobody / no one — ніхто
nothing — ніщо, нічого
nowhere — ніде, нікуди
every — кожний
everybody / everyone — кожний, усі
everything — усе
everywhere — всюди, скрізь
4. Займенник some перед обчислюваними
іменниками у множині означає кілька, деякі, одні, інші:
We have some kinds of pizza. — У нас є кілька видів піци.
Не ordered some meat dishes. — Він замовив кілька м’ясних страв.
5. Перед обчислюваними
іменниками в однині some означає якийсь,
І saw it in some café. — Я бачив це в якомусь кафе..
6. Перед необчислюваними
іменниками some означає деяка кількість і
українською мовою не перекладається:
Не brought some water. — Він приніс воду.
There are some books there. — Там
є книжки.
Are there any books there? — Там є
There aren't any books there. /
There are no books there. — Там немає книжок.
There is someone in the room. — У
кімнаті є хтось.
Is there anyone in the room? — Є
хтось у кімнаті?
There isn't anyone in the room. /
There is no one in the room. — У кімнаті нікого немає.
She gave me something to read. —
Вона дала мені щось почитати.
Did she give me anything to read?
— Вона давала мені щось почитати?
She didn't give me anything to
read. / She gave me nothing to read. — Вона нічого не дала мені почитати.
7. Займенники some, somebody, something вживаються
у спеціальних та загальних запитаннях, що виражають пропозицію або прохання:
Would you like some tea? — Ви хочете чаю?
Would you like something to drink? – Бажаєте щось випити?
(але: Anything else? - Ще щось?)
8. Займенники any, anybody, anyone, anything вживаються у стверджувальних реченнях у значенні усякий.
Anybody can do it. — Усякий може це зробити.
9. Після займенників somebody, anybody,
something, anything, nobody прийменник of не
вживається. Замість цього використовується some of, any of, none of.
Some of our guests play billiard very often.. —
Деякі з наших гостей грають в більярд дуже часто.
Have you got any of these orders? — Ви отримали
які-небудь з цих замовлень?
None of them knew about it. — Ніхто з них не
знав про це.
TASK 13: Read the
article and fill in the table “Food Preferences of Foreigners”
Food Preferences of
Country / Nation
Popular Ingredients
Popular Spices
Popular Dishes/ Popular Drinks
Food Preferences of Foreigners
There are a multitude of diets across the globe, in all
regions and cultures. Each is influenced by the traditions of the past, along
with the produce and livestock available. Local tastes, agricultural economics,
and incomes still have a profound effect on what many people eat around the
North America
The people of the United States and Canada consume a wide
variety of food. Throughout both countries, people enjoy eating all kinds of
cuisine from barbecue, pizza, peanut butter sandwiches, and pie to sushi,
tacos, chow mein, and roti (an Indian flatbread). This is partly due to the
influence of immigration.
The variety of North American cuisine has also been impacted
by regional variations. For example, fried chicken, cornbread, and sweet tea
are popular in the southern states, while clam chowder, lobster rolls, and
apple cider are enjoyed in New England.
Central and South America
Both Central America and South America feature cuisines with
rich Latin flavors. In addition, rice and corn are staples in both and form the
basis for many dishes. Both regions are also affected by the mixture of
influences from the native populations and the cultural traditions brought by
Spanish and Portuguese immigrants.
The northwestern region boasts some of the most exotic food
in Latin America. In northeastern South America, many dishes feature a contrast
of sweet and salty tastes, including raisins, prunes, capers, and olives. Also,
rice grown in the area and seafood off the coast are key ingredients in South
American-style paella. The north central part of the continent reflects a
Spanish influence. Many of the dominant spices—cumin, oregano, cinnamon, and
anise—came from Spain, along with orange and lime juices, wine, and olive oil.
The south is cattle country and the locals enjoy grass-fed beef.
From Mexico in the North to Panama in the South, Central
American cuisine features some of the world’s favorite foods, including rice,
beans, corn, peppers, and tropical fruits. This area combines a variety of
culinary traditions derived from the native Maya and Aztec populations,
arrivals from Spain, and African and Latin-influenced neighbors along the
Caribbean. In this region of the world, tamales are common. Spicy seasonings,
including hot chili peppers, are also very popular.
European cuisine is extremely diverse. The diet in Great
Britain is different from what people typically consume in Germany, for
example. However, across the continent, meat dishes are prominent, along with
an emphasis on sauces. Potatoes, wheat, and dairy products are also staples of
the European diet.
Although Italy is a relatively small nation, the difference
in cuisine from one region to another can be great. For example, the people of
northern Italy tend to rely on dairy products such as butter, cream, and
cheeses made from cow’s milk, because the land is flatter and better suited to
raising cattle. In southern Italy, there is greater reliance on olive oil than
butter, and cheeses are more likely to be made from sheep’s milk.
However, there are a number of common ingredients and dishes
across the country. Italian cuisine includes a variety of pasta, such as
spaghetti, linguine, penne, and ravioli. Other well-known dishes are pizza,
risotto, and polenta. Italians are also known for cooking with certain spices,
including garlic, oregano, and basil.
For centuries, the French have been famous for their rich,
extravagant cuisine. Butter, olive oil, pork fat, goose fat, and duck fat are
all key ingredients. Common French dishes include quiche, fondue, baguettes,
and also creams and tarts. Frites, or French fries, are cut in different shapes
and fried in different fats, depending on the region. Fresh-baked bread is also
found across the nation from the skinny baguettes of Paris to the sourdough
breads in other parts of the country.
Every region of France seems to have its version of coq au
vin (braised chicken most often cooked with garlic, mushrooms, and pork fat in
One of the most popular Spanish dishes is paella, a gumbo of
rice, seafood, green vegetables, beans, and various meats. The ingredients can
vary wildly from one region to another, but rice is always the staple of the
dish. Spain is also renowned for its tapas, which are appetizers or snacks.
Cooks in Spain rely on a variety of olive oils known for
their flavors, ranging from smooth and subtle to fruity and robust. Spanish
cuisine combines Roman, Moorish, and New World flavors. Key ingredients include
rice, paprika, saffron, chorizo, and citrus fruits.
Central and West Africa
The continent of Africa is home to many different countries
and cultural groups. This diversity is reflected in the cuisine and dietary
choices of the African people. Traditionally, various African cuisines combine
locally grown cereals and grains, with fruits and vegetables. In some regions,
dairy products dominate, while in others meat and poultry form the basis of
many dishes.
Stretching from mountains in the north to the Congo River,
Central Africa primarily features traditional cuisine. Meals are focused on
certain staples, including cassava, which is a mashed root vegetable, and also
plantains, peanuts, and chili peppers. In West Africa, which includes the
Sahara Desert and Atlantic coast, the cuisine features dishes made from
tomatoes, onions, chili peppers, and palm nut oil. Popular dishes in both
regions include stews and porridges, such as ground nut stew made from peanuts,
and also fufu, a paste made from cassava or maize.
In India, there is much variety between the different
provinces. However, vegetarian diets are common across the nation for religious
reasons, among others. As a result, Indian dishes are often based on rice,
lentils, and vegetables, rather than meat or poultry. Indian cooking also
features spicy seasonings, including curries, mustard oil, cumin, chili pepper,
garlic, ginger, and garam masala, which is a blend of several spices. India is
also known for its breads, including the flatbreads roti and chapati. Dishes
that are popular not only in India but around the world include samosa, a
potato-stuffed pastry; shahi paneer, a creamy curry dish made out of soft
cheese and tomato sauce; and chana masala, chickpeas in curry sauce.
China has the world’s most sizable population. As a result,
there are many different culinary traditions across this vast country, which is
usually divided into eight distinct cuisine regions. For example, Cantonese
cuisine, which is also known as Guangdong, features light, mellow dishes that
are often made with sauces, including sweet-and-sour sauce and oyster sauce. Another
cuisine is known as Zhejiang, which is often shortened to Zhe, and originates
from a province in southern China. It features dishes made from seafood,
freshwater fish, and bamboo shoots. Key ingredients that are used in several,
but not all, of the different regions include rice, tofu, ginger, and garlic.
Tea is also a popular choice in most parts of the country. Chinese use
chopsticks as utensils.
cuisine is primarily centered around rice, vegetables, and meat. Commonly-used
ingredients include sesame oil, soy sauce, bean paste, garlic, ginger, and red
pepper. Most meals feature a number of side dishes, along with a bowl of
steam-cooked, short grain rice. Kimchi, a fermented cabbage dish, is the most
common side dish served in Korea and is consumed at almost every meal. Another
signature dish, bibimbap, is a bowl of white rice topped with sautéed
vegetables and chili pepper paste and can include egg or sliced meat. Bulgogi
consists of marinated, barbecued beef.
As in other parts of Asia, rice is a staple in Japan, along
with seafood, which is plentiful on this island nation. Other commonly-used
ingredients include noodles, teriyaki sauce, dried seaweed, mushrooms and other
vegetables, meat, and miso, which is soybean paste. Some favorite foods include
the raw fish dishes sashimi and sushi, which are not only popular in Japan, but
are also around the world. Typical beverages include green tea and also sake,
which is a wine made of fermented rice.
The traditional table setting in Japan includes placing a
bowl of rice on the left and a bowl of miso soup on the right side. Behind the
rice and the soup are three flat plates which hold the accompanying side
dishes. Similar to China, chopsticks are used in Japan and are generally placed
at the front of the table setting. At school or work, many Japanese people eat
out of a bento lunch box, which is a single-portion takeout or home-cooked
meal. Bento boxes typically include rice, fish or meat, and cooked or pickled
The Middle East
Middle Eastern cuisine encompasses a number of different
cooking styles from Asian countries along the Mediterranean, as well as from
North African nations, such as Egypt and Libya. In this part of the world, lamb
is the most commonly consumed meat and is prepared in a number of ways,
including as a shish kebab, in a stew, or spit-roasted. However, kosher beef,
kosher poultry, and fish are eaten as well. Other staples include the fruits
and vegetables that grow in the hills of many Middle Eastern countries, such as
dates, olives, figs, apricots, cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, and eggplant.
Common grains include couscous, millet, rice, and bulghur. Popular dishes
include Syrian baba ganoush, which is pureed eggplant, and kibbeh, or lamb with
bulghur wheat, from Lebanon. A flatbread called pita served with hummus, or
pureed chickpeas, is another popular dish in this region of the world.
Most people who reside in the Arab countries of the Middle
East are Muslim, which can affect their diet. Many Muslims do not consume
alcohol or pork. They also observe certain diet-related religious traditions,
such as a daytime fast during the month of Ramadan. Other residents of the
Middle East include Jews and Christians, and their traditions also affect what
foods they eat and how they prepare it. For example, many Jews in Israel keep
kosher and follow a set of dietary laws that impact food choices, storage, and
( https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-nutrition/s18-07-diets-around-the-world.html)
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